Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between MEXMOVE and a Real State company?

At MEXMOVE, we focus not only on satisfying your basic needs, but we also analyze your profile in order to provide you with the best accommodation available, education for your children and social and leisure activities for everyone, as our ultimate goal is to speed up your adaptation process so you feel like home in no time! Plus, we know how important accurate communication is when it comes to understanding people’s necessities, that is why we are qualified to work in various languages to ensure your satisfaction!

Would MEXMOVE assist me in finding leisure activities to do?

Absolutely! We are committed to ease your transition and make it as pleasing as possbile. You will be able to ask your MEXMOVER about the activites you are interested in and he/she will let you know your options.

How safe is the city?

At MEXMOVE, we are aware of the importance of safety. That is why our team will be glad to point out the safe and conflictive areas of the city and will provide you with information to take precaution measures and assure your well-being.

What is a MEXMOVER?
At MEXMOVE you will be assigned a MEXMOVER who is the person that will be your first link to Mexico and your company in this exciting process!
What is a MEXPAT?

YOU ARE! It is not a myth that mexicans are warm and friendly, that is why we want to welcome you into our family as a MEXPAT!

¡Mi casa, es tu casa!


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Sigüenza y Góngora No. 210 interior 3. Avenida. C.P. 78240, San Luis Potosí

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